The Obviously Bad and Surprisingly Good News About Hunger

Action Against Hunger

We all know that millions of people around the world and in the US are hungry. But what else do we know about hunger and malnutrition? 

The Bad News: Malnutrition is responsible for nearly half of all child deaths worldwide. At least 1 million malnourished children die every year because they lack access to the necessary treatment. And 17 million children suffer from severe acute malnutrition, a deadly condition if not treated.

The Good News: Severe acute malnutrition has a cure. And organizations like Action Against Hunger | ACF International know when and where malnutrition is likely to strike. Together, we can restore severely malnourished children to health.

Action Against Hunger works to help children reach healthy adulthood and to contribute to the growth of productive families and nations. From rural mountain villages to the confines of refugee camps to ethnically divided cities, Action Against Hunger treats and prevents malnutrition in over 45 countries around the world. Their programs are launched most often during times of crisis and focus on the most vulnerable, including young children and women who are pregnant or nursing.

Action Against Hunger

Even Better News: Fighting hunger is achievable. Just $45 can provide a full course of life-saving treatment for a malnourished child.

Think about that.

$45 can save a life?!

It can. And Action Against Hunger is making it happen.

To fight hunger and combat the deadly effects of malnutrition, Action Against Hunger is:

  • Treating and prevent acute malnutrition by providing inpatient and outpatient care and giving people ready-to-use therapeutic foods (like Plumpy’nut®)
  • Building local capacity to strengthen health systems to combat malnutrition

In 2014 alone, Action Against Hunger treated 5 million people around the world for malnutrition and illness. Let’s help them continue and extend their efforts and help more children live and grow. 

When you shop at and select Action Against Hunger as your charity of choice, we will donate 10% of your purchase price to Action Against Hunger to help them end hunger. 

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