Fair Trade

Your purchases matter. The way you spend your money makes a difference in people's lives. Shop from brands that provide fair trade products and empower their makers.

Society B is committed to offering only products that benefit society. Fair trade products do exactly that. Here are 5 reasons to buy fair trade products:

  1. They provide fair wages for the people who made those goods.
  2. Fair wages build stronger communities and give people a real chance to rise above poverty.
  3. Fair trade products are often hand-made, which translates to closer attention to detail and higher quality goods.
  4. Fair trade products give farmers and makers safe working conditions and a voice in their workplace.
  5. Fair trade products also support sustainable practices that minimize our footprint on the environment.

The way you spend your money affects the people who make your products. Your purchases matter. Shop from brands that provide fair wages and empowerment for their makers.  


Apolis // Fair Trade products // Shop at Society B      BADALA // Fair Trade products // Shop at Society B      Fortress of Inca // Fair Trade products // Shop at Society B      Krochet Kids intl. // Providing fair wages and empowerment for women // Shop at Society B      Pebble // Fair Trade products for baby // Shop at Society B