Brighton Their World

Brighton Their World // Featured Charity at Society B

There are over 147,000,000 orphans across the globe today. Millions of kids just like yours. Only they have no mom. No dad. No voice. The majority of them lack the basic necessities of life like water, nutrition, and shelter. And because of war, food insecurity, disease, and extreme poverty, the number just keeps growing.

One of our featured charities, Brighton Their World, is providing care and advocacy for orphans and the voiceless. Founded by Laura and Tymm Hoffman, their belief is that once we know the problems exist, we are all responsible for helping to find solutions in some way. Their goal is to always be involved in projects that directly serve and brighten the lives of orphans and those in need.

So far, Brighton Their World has provided more than 200,000 baby bottles of formula as well as other basic necessities such as wipes, diapers, medication, blankets, and clothing. They do this through grassroots efforts, like virtual 5k runs, short-term mission trips, and social media efforts.  

Read more about the namesake for Brighton Their World, and help us spread the word about Brighton’s story.

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